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13975 Southwest 50th Terrace
Miami, FL, 33175
United States



Colorful Miami

Isabel Narbona

The purpose of this Blog is to provide helpful and interesting information about Miami, so anyone can understand what is like to live  in this great City, either on the metropolitan area or on its surroundings.

We can find in Miami any lifestyle that can satisfy  any resident or visitor's expectations: from metropolitan city to incorporated towns and the new trend of urban styles offering a mix of live, work and play on the same area. 

"It is amazing that we still can discover some spots showing lands with cows grazing in green areas located in the middle of urban developments as in Doral, Kendall and Homestead. Then, there is the panoramic view of beaches which gives us a refreshing delight to our spirits and finally the  array of old and specially new buildings dancing against the blue sky.